Not too much can be done, since a ton of the country sat with their thumbs up their asses instead of voting. Republicans control all three branches of government now.
In two years, after permanent damage has been done to the government, the climate, and the economy, we may have another shot at at least slowing things down via Congress IF people actually vote for sane people.
And in four, potentially a new presidency and Congress. But that could be dicy, since there’s going to be little stopping corrupt officials from screwing with democratic safeguards now that the government is teeming with freaks and degenerates under its skin.
Aside from lawsuits from Democrats, I think the federal government is going to be in complete freefall for the next two years, bare minimum. Thanks fascists and nonvoters. You really fucked the entire world this time. Fucking malicious idiots.
Because over half of this country has been convinced that acting against their own interests is in their own interests as long as they “win” some fantasy game. “We showed them!”
Because everyone else knows that criticism isn’t action. I think it’s safe to assume that no mountain was ever moved because someone criticized it enough.
Agitate liberals until they realize they can’t wait until the next election to act. I can’t do shit by myself, but if all the liberals who are sitting around waiting for elections realized they have to act now we’d have a chance.
I think work stoppages and militant mass strike action would be more effective. The right cares about their bottom line. Hurt their business interests and they’ll crumble.
The AFL-CIO should be aligning their contract dates for May 1st 2028. They should be organizing solidarity strikes and boycotts. They should recognize the NLRB is effectively dead in the water and begin planning for being made illegal. They should be arming their workers and encouraging armed picketing.
If Democrats weren’t worthless, they’d use their close connections with the AFL-CIO to help organize. But they won’t, because that would hurt their business interests too.
You say the democrats are “worthless” when they were the ones that got out and voted. The far left is notorious for sitting their smug, entitled asses at home- protesting for single-issue bullshit while everyone else busts their ass to stand in the way of a dictator-
They you have the fucking nerve to come here land lay blame at the feet of others?
So… your plan to fix the problem that we were put in because ninety million people didn’t vote, and over three million people chose to vote third part is to….
Agitate people?
You agitated the shit out of everyone on the right AND left all the way through November. How’s that work for you?
Everyone had their chance to act. That was back in November- with all the people that were trying to save democracy by voting. Those people who sat hope with their thumbs up their asses can enjoy the fruit of their smug entitlement.
This is the laziest fucking bullshit excuse every time. Crying up a storm when a fucking literal fascist is on the ticket with an understanding that the guardrails are basically fucking gone and going “Yea, but they didn’t give me a reason to go”
Guess what buttercup? You want “action now!” I was trying to drum up action when all that was needed was standing in line for maybe a couple hours and putting your vote in and half these leftists going “We gotta do something!” couldn’t be faffed to show up at that line in the sand.
And before “But Biden” or “But Harris”, my beating the drum to vote is for your local shit every day where you have FAR MORE control than the DNC but statistics show you probably weren’t even aware when these were.
So no… I’m not rallying to y’alls cries because you’ve proven you’ll be fair weather allies at best and probably stay home expecting someone else to save your asses. And when the fire gets tough, those that I know who stayed home can’t expect me to lift a finger to help them either because I’ll be busy helping those that at least could do the bare fucking minimum to try to course correct instead of just acting smug.
Our society is about to get what it deserves. I feel bad for the 1/3 that did show up and tried. The rest can go to hell for all I care.
Whether the democrats did or not- the conservatives DEFINITELY gave you a reason to. There was NO excuse to not vote AGAISN’T what they promised would come. So, those that chose not to- have no excuse that carries anywhere near enough value it would take to buy them out of taking responsibility for where we are now.
The democrats may have run a bad campaign, there’s little to argue there. But a bad campaign is NO excuse to allow conservatives to take over our democracy. They told us exactly what they would do. We all knew they would do this.
You didn’t have to vote FOR democrats, but you absolutely should have voted AGAINST the end of democracy.
That’s just bullshit, all repeating this does is enable people to not vote by blaming the democrats. Inactions have consequences and anyone who stayed home instead of vote is as much to blame for the current situation.
Not too much can be done, since a ton of the country sat with their thumbs up their asses instead of voting. Republicans control all three branches of government now.
In two years, after permanent damage has been done to the government, the climate, and the economy, we may have another shot at at least slowing things down via Congress IF people actually vote for sane people.
And in four, potentially a new presidency and Congress. But that could be dicy, since there’s going to be little stopping corrupt officials from screwing with democratic safeguards now that the government is teeming with freaks and degenerates under its skin.
Aside from lawsuits from Democrats, I think the federal government is going to be in complete freefall for the next two years, bare minimum. Thanks fascists and nonvoters. You really fucked the entire world this time. Fucking malicious idiots.
Because over half of this country has been convinced that acting against their own interests is in their own interests as long as they “win” some fantasy game. “We showed them!”
They can vocally and actively criticize the DNC leadership for being controlled opposition. Bernie is doing it, why isn’t everyone else?
Because everyone else knows that criticism isn’t action. I think it’s safe to assume that no mountain was ever moved because someone criticized it enough.
In two years there might not be elections.
Is your plan to just lay down and die?
So what’s your plan?
People need to prepare for the violence that is coming. Really worried this could get really ugly. Lets hope not.
Agitate liberals until they realize they can’t wait until the next election to act. I can’t do shit by myself, but if all the liberals who are sitting around waiting for elections realized they have to act now we’d have a chance.
But to reiterate,
You say “they have to act now” but what actions need to be taken?
Are you saying mass protest? Armed rebellion? What are you suggesting?
I think work stoppages and militant mass strike action would be more effective. The right cares about their bottom line. Hurt their business interests and they’ll crumble.
The AFL-CIO should be aligning their contract dates for May 1st 2028. They should be organizing solidarity strikes and boycotts. They should recognize the NLRB is effectively dead in the water and begin planning for being made illegal. They should be arming their workers and encouraging armed picketing.
If Democrats weren’t worthless, they’d use their close connections with the AFL-CIO to help organize. But they won’t, because that would hurt their business interests too.
So we have to do it ourselves.
You say the democrats are “worthless” when they were the ones that got out and voted. The far left is notorious for sitting their smug, entitled asses at home- protesting for single-issue bullshit while everyone else busts their ass to stand in the way of a dictator-
They you have the fucking nerve to come here land lay blame at the feet of others?
That’s some Olympic-level mental gymnastics.
So, what’s Democrats’ plan for when Trump decides we aren’t allowed to vote anymore?
So… your plan to fix the problem that we were put in because ninety million people didn’t vote, and over three million people chose to vote third part is to….
Agitate people?
You agitated the shit out of everyone on the right AND left all the way through November. How’s that work for you?
Everyone had their chance to act. That was back in November- with all the people that were trying to save democracy by voting. Those people who sat hope with their thumbs up their asses can enjoy the fruit of their smug entitlement.
“Agitating people”
……ROFL. Have fun storming that castle.
A lone voice of reason. Everyone wants to be lazy in November then expect the people who have no power to do something for them in March.
Talk about passing the buck.
The Democrats need to give voters a reason to go out and vote. The choose the lesser evil reason and keep the status quo isn’t enough.
This is the laziest fucking bullshit excuse every time. Crying up a storm when a fucking literal fascist is on the ticket with an understanding that the guardrails are basically fucking gone and going “Yea, but they didn’t give me a reason to go”
Guess what buttercup? You want “action now!” I was trying to drum up action when all that was needed was standing in line for maybe a couple hours and putting your vote in and half these leftists going “We gotta do something!” couldn’t be faffed to show up at that line in the sand.
And before “But Biden” or “But Harris”, my beating the drum to vote is for your local shit every day where you have FAR MORE control than the DNC but statistics show you probably weren’t even aware when these were.
So no… I’m not rallying to y’alls cries because you’ve proven you’ll be fair weather allies at best and probably stay home expecting someone else to save your asses. And when the fire gets tough, those that I know who stayed home can’t expect me to lift a finger to help them either because I’ll be busy helping those that at least could do the bare fucking minimum to try to course correct instead of just acting smug.
Our society is about to get what it deserves. I feel bad for the 1/3 that did show up and tried. The rest can go to hell for all I care.
IDK. When Hitler was on the ballot, I feel the lesser of two evils was a sufficient reason to vote for the social democrats.
Whether the democrats did or not- the conservatives DEFINITELY gave you a reason to. There was NO excuse to not vote AGAISN’T what they promised would come. So, those that chose not to- have no excuse that carries anywhere near enough value it would take to buy them out of taking responsibility for where we are now.
The democrats may have run a bad campaign, there’s little to argue there. But a bad campaign is NO excuse to allow conservatives to take over our democracy. They told us exactly what they would do. We all knew they would do this.
You didn’t have to vote FOR democrats, but you absolutely should have voted AGAINST the end of democracy.
That’s just bullshit, all repeating this does is enable people to not vote by blaming the democrats. Inactions have consequences and anyone who stayed home instead of vote is as much to blame for the current situation.