Five Republican Minnesota state senators plan to introduce a bill classifying “Trump Derangement Syndrome” (TDS) as a mental illness, defining it as “acute paranoia” about Trump’s presidency.
The bill argues TDS causes hysteria, verbal hostility, and aggression toward Trump supporters.
Critics argue this represents a dangerous politicization of mental health diagnoses that could suppress political expression.
The bill will be read Monday before the Minnesota Senate Health and Human Services Committee, where Democrats hold a narrow majority.
Why do they even need this? There’s already “oppositional defiant disorder”, etc. It serves the exact same purpose. Psychiatry has always been about hegemonic control.
I propose we make CBS a mental illness (Chronic Bootlicking Syndrome), people who have CBS may inhibit the following symptoms:
- Blind obedience to authority
- Lack of critical thinking skills
- Inability to think independently
- Blind anger and agressesion towards those who are weaker
- Inability to feel sympathy and/or regret
- Lack of empathy and/or love
- Inability to form genuine interpersonal relationships with ones peers (that are not based on coercion or fear)
- Forming strong parasitic relationships with authority figures to the point of obsession
- Delusional visions of the world including the past, present, and future
- Delusional visions of ones place in society, specifically the idea that they will gain leverage in society by bowing down to authority
- Severe lack of class consciousness to the point that they feel closer to the capitalists then their peers (workers)
This list is not complete, people who have CBS are highly advised to read some theory and maybe try feeling human emotions. However if left untreated for too long it may become terminal and kill any ounce of humanity left in the person. As of now there is no cure, however therapy is a great treatment (effectiveness may vary).
This is the most dystopian shit I’ve read this week. Impressive, all things considered.
So explaining reality to a Trump supporter is Trump Derangement Syndrome? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Unironically yes.
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
The real mental illness here is the “Trump following syndrome”, where people still support him despite what he does.
The senators who proposed this should be removed from office. This is beyond a farce.
And what Trump is doing it not? The only laws that still exist, is the ones that repress people they don’t like.
I would say this would make the DSM of mental illnesses arbitrary, but the DSM also contains at least 1 mental illness based on a Greek mythological character.
Much of the mental health industry is an intersection of religion, new age mumbo gumbo, a dash of science, capitalism, and what society finds socially acceptable. It was only in recent decades that homosexuality and female hysteria (which required clitoral stimulation as the cure) were removed from the hocus pocus DSM, which pretends to have scientific rigor and never has and likely never will.
Amazing to see these basic facts downvoted.
never underestimate the rage of cult members threatened with the cognitive dissonance of all their cherished moronic views being wrong. the cult of mental health has spoken: down-vote
Since when do senators diagnose shit?
I mean, insurance companies refuse treatments for patients, flying in the face of what a doctor recommends, and I’m fairly certain there isn’t a lot of medical reasoning behind their decisions. If insurance companies can practice medicine without a license, then senators are equally unqualified.
In defense of insurance companies, medical costs are astronomical because doctor professional associations protect doctor wages. Why do I need a 400 an hour doctor to prescribe an antibiotic for a bladder infection? Many people want to doctors and don’t get admitted into medical school. Instead of delegating less difficult responsibilities to this interested group of people by creating a more tiered system of expertise, the AMA hoards all the decisions for the doctors, fleeces and extorts the public, then scapegoats the insurance industry which is trying to reduce unfair costs while taking a slice of the parasite pie. The gullible public eats the slop right up, blaming insurance companies, never batting an eye at the exploitation of the public by doctors.
And this is exactly why those “red flag” laws are a bad idea.
For example, the state can determine anyone who hates Trump is not able to procure a firearm…
I’ve always thought Trump Derangement Syndrome better described MAGATurds. THEY are the ones who are absurdly and inexplicably in love with him, no matter how poorly he treats them.
So that shit won’t be covered by insurance either, so here we are right back at square one, you illiterate fucks
This is a test. They’re seeing if they can outlaw objecting to Dear Leader by legally classifying it as a dangerous psychological condition.
This is not about mental health diagnoses. This is the pregame to the American edition of the night of the long knives.
This is what Putin does to Russians who criticise him, eg making anti-ukraine war stickers or graffiti.
This is also what used to happen to women who wanted to get a divorce or generally wouldn’t obey her father or husband. They called it hysteria and thought that it was because of the ‘wandering womb’, yep they thought her womb was wandering around her body, woo woo.
Look up what they did to JFK’s sister. It’s fucking wild. It was considered a “reasonable treatment” at the time.
Its insane, I guess they do want to bring back those traditional values - of having someone committed for disagreeing with you.
Geez, all of this because Obama just had to wear that tan suit in 2014.
that bougie dijon mustard he used on his hotdog.
So Gender Dysphoria is bullshit, but TDS requires tax payer money thrown at it…
Shut up GOP you’re drunk