• PumpkinSkink@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    But he… wasn’t. He lost the presidency in 1932 to Paul Von Hindenburg (53% to 37%. not even particularly close) who later appointed Hitler under pressure to the channclorship (which was an appointed role) in 1933. Hindenburg died in January of 1934 and Hitler de facto merged the presidency and chancelorship into one office (Fuhrer). The story isn’t “regular people put Hitler in power”, it’s “broken legislative systems are vulnerable to facists”.

    • Melkath@kbin.social
      8 months ago

      it’s “broken legislative systems are vulnerable to facists”.

      She would know all about that. Bernie was killing Trump in the polls. Hilary was neck and neck with Trump.

      The DNC cast their votes for who was going to General. A winner was announced. Everyone started to go to the announcement and for the only time in DNC history, the announcement was rescinded and everyone was broken up into different groups. Hilary staffers were observed scurrying around between groups. Then everyone was forced to vote again. THEN Hilary was declared the candidate going to General.

      It was all live tweeted. It was all loudly publicized, but noone seemed to notice. Noone seemed to care.

      Of course she is now going to make a historically inaccurate statement that casts actual democracy in a bad light.

      That hag needs to stay under her rock.

      • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        I mean, there was a court case…

        DNC’s lawyers used the legal defense that they’re a private party and can run anyone they want in the general, and because of that, it doesn’t matter if they influence a primary election.

        They flat out said primary elections are just a performative act, and the judge agreed with them.

      • Kid_Thunder@kbin.social
        8 months ago

        Don’t forget that there are many, many appointed superdelegates who each have around 8,000 voting power each.

        There were 618 pledges from DNC superdelegates in the 2016 nomination, equaling 4,944,000 voting power (meaning votes equivalent to ~5 million regular voters in the DNC). These are not delegates assigned to states but to specific groups and people in positions in the DNC itself.

        For reference, 16,917,853 of the popular vote itself went to Hilary Clinton and 13,210,550 went to Bernie Sanders according to this eye cancer of a website. If all of the DNC superdelegates voted for Bernie Sanders, he would have won the 2016 DNC primaries, even though the DNC voters regardless that the actual regular DNC voters voted for Hilary.

        Anyway, I’m only making a point that system was broken.

        The DNC did reform this afterwards, in that, if the first ballot doesn’t have an absolute majority then superdelegates will cast votes but otherwise, cannot (as a superdelegate).

        • Melkath@kbin.social
          8 months ago

          Nice rundown.

          At the end of the day, I think the United States is just too damn big to run this type of system.

          Red states are so entrenched in their beliefs and blue states are so entrenched in theirs, there is no way to cap them off with one cohesive federal government.

          By design, every advancement is a crucial blow to the other side.

          And then the real rub.

          We have been at it long enough that there are not 2 parties. There is one mob of selfish egotistical asshats who struggle and toil keep federal office the best place to get richer and more powerful.

          We keep calling it a government divided. IT ISNT. They are of one mind, taking a foot but making sure not to take a yard. Giving up a foot but making sure not to lose a yard. And every time the ball moves one half of The mindless masses feel validated, one half of The mindless masses feel violated, and the whole effort had an earmark on page 1672 of 3000 that assraped EVERYONE except the rich and the politician.

          My betting money is on the fact that we will crumble like the USSR before I die. No grand civil war two electric Boogaloo. Just a pathetic crumbling.

          The difference between US and the USSR is that we don’t have a pre USA history/culture to fall back on.