Burnout symptoms? Chemical dependence not being satisfied? Hormones?
Burnout symptoms? Chemical dependence not being satisfied? Hormones?
Aaaaaaw yeah! looks and feels great!
I have to charge the battery EVERY TIME! There is a wheel on the top I have to spin else it won’t do ANYTHING.
If only Citizens United v. FEC could be overturned, because it’s so very obviously terrible😅
I think the first 35 seconds of his “Election 2024: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)” clip are a very strong argument against the Citizens United v. FEC ruling. Same for voting for judges, including marketing at RealCapitalismTM levels in politics is not good, because eventually it will be worth it for sooooo many corporate entities to just pump large portions of the GDP into politics. Nothing can compare with that, so corporations are favored to win, because marketing works. Fatigue is just one of the symptoms that go across the isle, i’m sure.
JRE vind het ook heel belangrijk om koffie aan de toch ook wel hele zielige burgers in Rusland te blijven verkopen, want ja koffie is voor iedereen, snap je wel. Nee, ik snap dat niet. Ik heb niet vaak zo snel mijn trots in het toilet moeten gooien, DE koffie was voor supermarkt koffie heel degelijk, jammer dat je moord op Oekraïense mensen sponsort er mee. Ik hoop de ze er snel in stikken en dat we het volgende faillissement bericht krijgen :)
Ik vind ze erg lekker, maar een snack van 500kcal per stuk met alleen vet en suiker past niet goed in mijn dieet 😅🤣
I heard the US military swears by a bodyscan meditation exercise. That works for me, or at the very least calms me way down. Sometimes I’ll try and take a short walk through the night, because I love it, but thinking about leaving the bed an getting ready for outside makes me very sleepy :) . Good luck falling asleep, unwanted awakeness is super boring and gets old really quick.
We need a distinct name for what you link, because of al the rightwing wifebeaters hijacking the country music name… NeoCountry? Vs Conservacountry??
In that case, add 3 and go again! Scarf it up!!
How round one wants to be is easily influenced by external factors like culture, though. I think slim bodies look sleek and beautiful, but it’s probably healthier to have a bit of fat in the right places (for times when your digestive system is on the fritz)
I like the effort for a body weight stat being more complete or useful for individuals, but my efforts measuring BRI came up kind of wack too :(. We decided it judged me too thin.
It’s not the call me hand, it’s the hang loose emoji!
Everyone’s experiences will be different. There is hate everywhere, and here too. It doesn’t feel worse to me then anywhere else, so that’s already pretty great in my book.
And my mustache!
Man o man, I love me some zomboid. Almost everyday, when I leave for work, about 5 minutes into my journey I get the zomboid heebie-jeebies :-).
Lemmy share the beginnings of our old Cookhouse:
And I only fell 3 times while making the roof!
Sidenote: Homelessness_in_Japan is really low because they made some serious efforts to tray and reduce it.
Wat een weirdo. We hebben blijkbaar manieren om supersnel een nieuwe wet door te voeren, zonder goedkeuring van 1e kamer (waarom, wtf?), en deze politicus vind het wel gepast om dat as politiek pressiemiddel te gebruiken? Hoe vertel ik dat ik geen respect hebt voor het wetgevingsproces, zonder te vertellen dat ik geen respect heb voor het wetgevingsproces…
I like to yell " HULST ! " whenever i see it, and then point at it. It’s dutch for holly
It’s a pretty funny picture, but why would the bad folk get to go in the cave? It feels to me that most caves would have been highly desirable locations back then.