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Its like you never heard of shπ.
That’s Sean Connery referring to James Bond’s profession
That’s so good 10/10
Pretty sure that’s sh(AT-AT)
Probably to dodge shitty social media OCR censoring
Either OCR censoring or engagement bait for wherever it was originally
people are so consistently mad about this in memes now I’m going to start including it in all the memes I make
Your memes suck anyways.
F**king right they do.
Bro I found it of reddit years ago and has been sitting in my meme folder bunkers since then. I don’t know who did it
I’ve stopped a half dozen people from doing something like this… Every single one of them was filling up to the maximum pressure listed on the sidewall.
The sidewall pressure is only the correct pressure at the maximum load on the tire. The maximum rated load on the tire is often nearly twice the vehicle’s maximum weight rating, so the sidewall pressure is never the correct pressure for your vehicle.
The correct pressure for each tire on your vehicle is listed on a tag on the driver’s door, or door frame.
Cars actually come with manuals that explain this stuff.
Reading is a lost art.
I’m with you, I’m the one who read my wife’s car manual.
One of life’s pleasures, for me, is getting home with a shiny new thing and going over the manual and trying out the features, and of course it will work as described, and somehow that’s very satisfying.
I might be on the spectrum though, my experience is that people find that weird and nobody bothers to read manuals.
One of life’s pleasures, for me, is getting…
Oh nice, me too!
I might be on the spectrum though
Ah, me too
Same, but in my line of work (programmer) it makes me look like a damn savant. “How did you know how to do X?” “Oh, I vaguely remembered something from reading the API docs 2 years ago so I just went and looked it up again”
Hey fellow programmer! This is definitely a thing for me too, it’s uncanny how frequently some random tidbit about a piece of architecture that I’ve tinkered with as a hobby years ago becomes relevant, and I just blurt out to a colleague “oh, do this and that, and it should work”.
But on the other hand I have to pause for like 30 seconds up to a full minute before answering when is my kid’s birthday, just to make sure I’m not getting it wrong somehow. 😭
Well fuck, am I on the spectrum?
it will work as described
Though not always and this is not just mildly infuriating
Honestly Ive looked all over for my car manual but I cant find it anywhere on the internet. My car is a 1993 Honda Civic EK3 which I got second (more likely 5th or 10th) hand. The earliest model’s manual I can find online is the 1995 model. Do you know a good site that might have the owners manual for my model?
It should normally be on a label stuck to the left B-pillar, below the latch for the driver-side door (that little loop thingy the door grabs onto when closed)
ManualsLib also has the original manual where it’s listed on pg. 143.
Edit: From what I can gather, “EK3” is a codename for a model and generation of the Civic. The EK3 also started in '96, not '93, so you may have been given the wrong info.
[This model utilized the same design language as the rest of the Civic range but was actually a hatchback version of the Honda Domani, sharing that car’s platform which was derived from the previous-generation (EG/EH/EJ) Civic.](
Whelp, turns out my government employees strike again! Turns out the whole registration is wrong. Its a 1993 but its registered as an EK3. No idea what might have happened there. Anyway, thanks for the info :D
Don’t forget also that tire pressure increases with temperature. You’re pressure will be higher if the weather is warmer, and will actually increase as you drive. A 30 mile drive could see a 4-5 psi increase.
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Found the uncensored version
Better quality uncensored version
Much better
100 psi = 100 pirsent.
I can’t understand your accent. Persint. The i is after the s.
No no, it’s persant.
holy hell
As in croissant?
Did you mean persanti?
It’s spelled prisanti
100psi is 6894 hPa for the freedom challenged among us.
How much banana per square dishwasher in is that?
At least 3
If we take the banana to be 180 grams and the square dishwasher to be 0.36 square meter, that would come to about 140,000 bananas per square dishwasher.
Nice math. Makes more sense then imperial, for sure. That’s a lot of bananas, might as well go drive a banana car
neither of those mean anything to me
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5171.49252 mmHg (millimeters of mercury)
why didn’t you say that immediately??
I didn’t know Torr was deprecated… For some reason that was always the number for STP I could remember in physics.
Can you give me a reading in burgers needed to achieve that pressure in my heart?
How about 689.4kPa?
I find bar more intuitive even if it’s just hPa/1000
Nearly 7 bar is impressive for any tyres
Any car tire.
For road bicycles 7 bar is just “normal”, 8 and above isn’t unheard of.
A guy once asked if I was crazy when I was pressurizing my hybrid bike to 6 bar, and I just pointed to the sidewall where the rating said 4.5-6.5 bar. The range is wide because the pressure you should use varies depending on what you weigh, and how you want to balance rolling resistance vs comfort.
And even then the safety margin on bike tires is more than double the max rating, so it’s perfectly safe to go a full bar over if you want.
As much as hPa is legitimate, in English speaking contexts I wish we kept to 10^3 prefixes. (Pa, kPa, MPa, GPa etc).
Like how we keep to nm, μm, mm, m, km. Mostly.
Or if one really must, atmospheres. Other units are just more of a pain to convert between, like yeah, it’s metric, so it’s not THAT hard, but just nicer in my opinion if it’s consistent intervals.
Alas, at least I very rarely need to deal with PSI. Only with valve manufacturers using imperial valve coefficients (Cv values), grumble, grumble. They don’t even include the units usually, which to me is heresy. The units are US gallons/min of water at 60 °F per pressure drop of 1 PSI. Like, US engineers have this really stupid habit of not including units in constants and coefficients in some contexts, drives me up the wall.
Thanks for being the convenient recipient of this metric engineer’s unit rant.
As far as I know hPa is the preferred unit for air pressure and is used a lot. Usually referring to the air pressure of the atmosphere.
Also hectometer is used a lot when talking about land measurements. And we don’t mostly keep to mm and m, in my experience cm is the most used and most useful measurement for every day objects.
All of the different prefixes are valid and are used. It just depends on what context, which one is the most useful. No reason to stick to the 10^3 units, just use them all.
I should clarify, this is my personal preference, for ease of conversion. I wish we stuck to consistent intervals. They’re all valid, just that I find it very lovely that in industrial/construction we don’t use cm (in Australia)
But there are so many various pressure units in use, which is a slight inconvenience. Pa, Bar, atm, cm-water, are the ones I’ve come across in actual use so far. (Metric engineering context, RIP US engineers)
Makes it necessary for me to use a calculator to make sure I’m not messing something up. kPa to mbar: okay *bar/(100 kPa) * 1000 mbar/bar (which I’m now noticing is hPa)
So in addition to my preference for consistent prefix intervals, let’s also stop using Bar, cm-water, and anything else that’s not Pa. That’d be nice ☺️
Once my roommate punctured one of my tires and I went to a gas station and filled it up. Must have been one of my first times doing it ever. As I got back on the highway my car finally showed the pressure, it read 73….
Don’t feel bad … I drove down the road once in my old truck and started feeling a terrible shaking … I drove for a while hoping it would go away but it got worse. I finally pulled over and had a look at front passenger side tire … a bulge was sticking out of it like a giant bruise and once the tire stopped moving, the bulge grew ten sizes and as soon as I realized what it was, I turned away and the thing exploded!
Always check your tires.
Holy crap!
Omg glad you were ok! New fear unlocked!!
I know this is obvious but it boggles my mind how each square inch of that tire has almost 100lbs of force pushing on it
Just realizing now why hydraulics are so strong, a 6 inch squared piston at 100 psi is 600 pounds of force
I work with industrial hydraulics, the forces involved in big gear are truly insane.
Working pressures is around 270bar…on ~1.4m^2 of cylinders. Millions of kg of force.
270bar pneumatics… Fuck that
If you consider that a car weighs hundreds of kilograms but its contact surface with ground is something like 100 squared centimetres, that pressure makes sense
Plot twist: That reading is in Bar
If the car doesn’t fly, whoever stands by one of those tires most certainly will
Fly straight to heaven
Holy Shπ
Like driving on four basketballs
meanwhile I’m sketched out by the tires on my uncles old road bike that say max 90 psi wheras mine say like 20 or so.
narrow tires need more pressure to maintain the same outward force, because the area is smaller.
Ok so that’s what the backup tire says 60psi.
When I first saw it, I thought that it has to be wrong and I’m looking at the wrong number.
When I saw it the first time, before I understood how it worked, I thought “surely this is just for long-term storage purposes and I would need to bleed some pressure if I wanted to drive on it”
He should test his tires with water first.
There are two types of friends, this is the second type.