Sometimes I game on keyboard + mouse, sometimes on controller, depending on the game. I love my keyboard, but being able to slouch with controller in hand is welcome as well. Unfortunately I’ve played so many games over the years with a controller that I struggle immensely to tap the right buttons when shit gets real. It’s like my muscle memory is muddied with countless mappings. As a matter of fact there’s no way I can switch between two games back and forth if they are even remotely similar in terms of perspective.
Have you experienced high levels of “typos” with game controllers too? Do you know of strategies to get more precise?
Yeah, especially switching between Xbox and Nintendo mapping with A and B swapped
I don’t have a solution, just pain as well
Gah this is the worst. It breaks the enjoyment of a controller with Switch+PC compatibility for me.
Playing only one game at a time helps me.
That’s like reading only one book at a time. Unthinkable.
The controls are slightly different in the Soul Reaver remaster and I kept mixing up crouch and lock-on. It took until the end of the game before I got it worked around lol
Yes, but you might not like it. You would have to unlearn it. Only way I know of doing so is to not game for some time, then retrain yourself.
Every few months my friends and I pick up Deep Rock Galactic for a few weeks. And every time when we switch to a different game after that we always end up hitting “F” all the time all over the place. In DRG that’s the button to throw a flare and you use it constantly when moving around. Very annoying when another game uses it for something completely different like a grenade toss 😄
I remap a lot of my controls to try and be uniform across games as they can be.
Steam Input is super helpful with this. If I find that I’m consistently pressing wrong buttons on the controller, and the game doesn’t give you the ability to rebind controls in the menu (ew), then I just edit the profile in Steam Input and voila
People sleep on Steam Input, but it’s one of the more unsung features of the Steam Deck imo. Nobody ever talks about it, and I’ve even seen people say that they hate it which makes zero sense to me (just don’t use it?)
I tend not to play extremely similar games back to back so my head’s usually not in the wrong place. Maybe try a palate cleanser.
My usual strategy although still imperfect for me. Elden Ring has been in my active games for a while now, and it’s hard to properly try Hyper Light Breaker with my kid because of this issue.
Seems like a strange problem. I’d suggest playing more different games, and focusing on getting your hands in tune with the specific game rather than the type of game or perspective, and being more aggressive about remapping controls to fit how you want to play.
I switch games a lot and don’t generally have issues settling into a game just because its controls are off from another game, but if a dev puts something common somewhere weird, I’m absolutely going to move it to one of the places I expect it to be.