Shout them down in every space, make them embarrased to think the stupid shit they think.
If we don’t embarrass and correct them now we will have to kill them later when they come for our friends and families.
This is why gatekeeping is actually important. But you’ve got to be sure you’re keeping out the people who want to change the group, rather than people who want to join it.
This is a wonderful point! I recall years ago reading the government said of the hippies that they just started selling them incense (to put it lightly) and it was one of the ways of taking them down from the inside. So this is an old trick used by many. Sucks how insidious it all is.
Will forever hate them for trying to take Pepe the Frog.
norse mythology: the bisexual dude who has a meathead son and an adopted genderfluid kid. doesn’t go anywhere without his horse-grandson. knows everything will go wrong when they get a dog.
Do fascists really try to take Satanism though? Don’t they usually prefer to claim to be on God’s side?
Let’s let them have nu-metal… that’ll show them.
Nu-metal is great. Not all of it but Korn and System of a Down, a lot of great bands were labeled “nu-metal”.
Sounds like you are taking one step closer to the edge
I’m about to breakeven Linkin Park is great
There’s a specific breed of online Nazis who insist that it’s ‘punk’ to be Conservative.
fascists are even trying to steal the identity and word of conservatisim.
conservatives of 12-15 years ago are liberal by todays standards.
Not wrong at all, the Nazi Party co-opted and stole countless icons and imagery, the swastika itself was stolen.
and the modern day Nazi Party in Russia at least, tries to steal entire letters of the Latin alphabet.
I had to stop wearing my Mjølner pendant because of those fucks. So I fully agree.
I have a Celtic knot tattoo on my forearm (actually it’s the album cover of King Crimson’s album Discipline).
My British friend told me I shouldn’t display that in public in the UK because people might think I’m a neonazi.
I’m like fuck no, Celtic symbols don’t belong to Nazis and I won’t let them have it! Also, it’s a prog album cover wtfRespect for having Discipline cover tattooed on your forearm
Yeah, prog rock’s not very popular so most people won’t recognize it as what it is, unfortunately… However, I wear band tshirts like 80% of the time and by far the best reactions were to my Rush Tshirt. Followed by Riverside and KGLW.
Anyway, fuck nazis !
Nazis are cultural parasites.
They already took flags in multiple countries.
It’s always iffy when you carry the flag of your country because the people who do that tend to be assholes. Let’s not let them get anything else.
And take the flags back too.
Yep. 100% true in Sweden. They’ve been doing it since the 90s.
Or Hawaiian shirts. Man, I love my Hawaiian shirts and I was not happy when they were briefly associated with some nonsense fucking Civil War 2.0 bullshit. I’m very glad that particular stylistic movement fell apart.
Boogaloo Boys were strange, they seemed to be a bunch of loosely affiliated extremists from every corner of the political spectrum (although concentrated in certain corners).
It seems like they were accelerationists.
We just watched one do a nazi salute twice, on national TV, in the seat of government and not a single member of the “opposition” had the balls to walk up there and punch him in the face.
The Nazis have won. People care more about civility than fascism.
The fascists will lose. They always lose. They might seem to have the upper hand right now, but they can only fool the people for so long until they fight back.
Nazis are a bit like cockroaches. If you stomp a couple, the rest will run away and hide.
I agere. Sadly they hurt a lot people untill they get stopped or destroy themselves.
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What the hell are you talking about Jesse?
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Man, feel like Norse iconography might be almost a lost cause here. I was looking into getting a Thor’s Hammer tattoo years ago… Every variation you can think of has been co-opted by a Nazi group somewhere. I think it was the FBI that used to keep a database of symbols linked to terrorist groups, most of it was various flavors of Nazis and most of that was symbols stolen from Norse culture.
Here’s a resource if anyone is looking