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Game of the Year Award - Baldur’s Gate 3
VR Game of the Year Award - Labyrinthine
Labor of Love Award - Red Dead Redemption 2
Best Game on Steam Deck Award - Hogwarts Legacy
Better With Friends Award - Lethal Company
Outstanding Visual Style Award - Atomic Heart
Most Innovative Gameplay Award - Starfield
Best Game You Suck At Award - SIFU
Best Soundtrack Award - The Last of Us Part I
Outstanding Story-Rich Game Award - Baldur’s Gate 3
Sit Back and Relax Award - Dave the Diver
When Starfield wins most innovative, that’s when you can disregard the rest.
Sifu, TLOU and RDR2 aren’t even from 2023 as well…
What a load of shite.
TLOU Part 1 was a 2023 release, even though it’s just a remake but at least I can let that slide. Even SIFU was a 2023 Steam release so I can let that slide. RDR2 is in a category that specifically built for games before 2023. What I can’t let slide is giving it the labor of love award. It hasn’t been touched since launch and the online component is a gong-show because of it’s bugs and cheaters. Even the singleplayer mode had a huge audio bug that affected many people (including myself) and the only work around was getting some guys script that you have to run before launching the game.
It’s completely abandoned by Rockstar and does not deserve to come anywhere close to the “Labor of Love” award.
Fair enough about RDR2 being in the right category, even though that’s still wrong 😆
I’m less willing to let TLOU and SIFU slide though, it’s “technically” correct but in reality it’s just stupid for these games to be in 2023 awards.
Remakes in particular boil my piss. They’re lazy, “play it safe” games instead of companies taking risks making new games, so I don’t think they should be eligible for awards imo.
I think there’s a right way and a wrong way to do a remake/remaster. If a game doesn’t run well on modern hardware and/or its online features are long gone, a remake can be justified. But to be a truly great remaster, it should also improve upon the original without messing with what made it great.
For example, the Age of Empires remasters were phenomenal, and the AoE2 remaster in particular basically revived the entire series. Not only did it add a fresh coat of paint visually, proper HD/widescreen support, stability updates, and such, there’s been a pretty solid stream of new content and extended support. And it wasn’t even sold as a full-price title to begin with.
But remakes of games that still run fine on modern hardware, don’t really add much of anything new, and are priced at or near full-price? Yeah, cheap cash grab. There’s no reason to remake a game less than 10 years old.
The TLOU and SIFU remakes shouldn’t get as much scrutiny as you’re giving them, before the remakes released they were console exclusive, the reason these types of remakes are bad is because some of them are lazy and unplayable at launch (like the TLOU remake). But you’re right, they shouldn’t have been in the steam awards even if they technically did release on steam in 2023.
What audio problem? because I had issues with my surround sound in which the channels where jumping all over the place. Support wasn’t much help and if that was the same problem then I wish I had found that sooner
This is why children don’t get to vote when it really matters.
It’s the reason why I don’t ever pay attention to gamers’ choice awards etc. For all the shit that critics get, usually I agree with their consensus
Some viewpoints would prefer it if you wrote off bg3 that way.
Some viewpoints are actually wrong that way.
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Why was Cyberpunk not even a finalist? They released a massive update this year and have pretty much fixed the game and added lots of new content through the DLC.
Cyberpunk legitimately turned itself around and won back the public after a disastrous launch, just like NMS did.
Who knows. Kids voted on this stuff.deleted by creator
It’s a massive game that was absolutely a labor of love, but it’s Rockstar we’re talking about here. They turn love into microtx and milk it till it’s dry. Then it’s to the meat packing facilities for a little mobile/console porting so it’s innards can be broken up to be resold 😂. No real fault to the devs, art team, and story team that absolutely did put love into the game though.
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Yeah, but who reads the descriptions?
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Rule #1 of any UI design is “Nobody reads anything”
Just rename the award. Best Ongoing Development? Best Live Service Experience?
Yeah that was basically my original comment too, but I realized that’s not what the award is actually for.
Starfield is the one of the least innovative games I’ve ever played. How the fuck did it win that?
Probably ironically, just as Red Dead winning it despite the shennanigans behind it.
Steam Awards, like any publicly-voted award, is a name recognition contest.
The innovations in menu UI is out of this world!
Ah, but you did play it. That’s the point.
Starfield won the innovative gameplay award? RDR2 won labor of love award? Some of these winners are extremely strange.
The problem with the Steam Awards is that they try to get as many people to vote as possible, even if people haven’t actually played the games in question.
People will see a bunch of games they haven’t played, be like “oh hey I at least know the name of that one” and vote for it even though they have no idea if the others are more deserving or not.
You don’t even need to have played the games to vote.
It even tells you if you’ve played each game, but still let’s you vote on the ones you haven’t.deleted by creator
Starfield for most innovative gameplsy? Am I missing something or do people on Steam ride that Bethesda cock hard?
At the time I’m writing this, recent reviews reached mostly negative (29%), and all-time reviews are mixed (64%). Which is honestly a lot more than it deserves, but I would hardly call that “riding Bethesda’s cock”.
It’s probably just a matter of big games getting more votes, because of name recognition. This is just a popularity contest, after all.
Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if most people chose it as a joke.
Best guess is people voted it because they didn’t know any of the other games and didn’t bother to check.
I just came here to ask the same question. It’s not innovative one bit, it’s a clone of No Man’s Sky, and a shitty one at that.
They copied shouts from Skyrim, except worse, that’s how un-innovative it was.
Wow, didn’t know that one. At this point I am convinced Todd will count this game as success. Earned money and they didn’t have to try.
The steam awards were never anything but a contest about which game is the most known. I really dislike them due to that, but at least one title (BG3 deserved it this year)
Yeah that’s pretty awful
Your Only Move is Hustle
Shadows of Doubt
Contraband Police
Remnant 2
Which game out of the choices given do you think most people have heard of?
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Last of us winning soundtrack award is LOL too
Darktide would have been better.
After they abandoned the multiplayer cause they coudnt give it money printing shark cards?
At least the multiplayer got attention, the single-player game never got anything after the initial release.
GTA V, RDR2, and soon to be GTA 6
It’s almost as if all this was only a marketing ploy with no deeper significance…
There is no way they actually gave “Most innovative gameplay” to Starfield. And on top of that Best Soundtrack to Last of Us Part 1? Did they change the soundtrack for the remaster? How is it even nominated in 2023?
Steam users voted for those titles.
I’ve come to accept my tastes are beyond most gamers.
Just because it’s the same doesn’t make it worse though - so it definitely is up there with the best game soundtracks of games from this year
Anyone who didn’t expect BG3 to win Game of the Year has been under a rock since it launched O.o Anyone who expected Starfield to win Most Innovative Gameplay, are you offering divination services to the public?
Damn, I know some people are dead-set on insisting that Starfield isn’t that bad but… innovative?? Really??? Most innovative?!?? Baffling!
Anyone who expected Starfield to win Most Innovative Gameplay, are you offering divination services to the public?
It was an easy call to make. Steam Awards are voted by the public, so it’s all about name recognition.
The other finalists in that category were Shadow of Doubt, Contraband Police, Remnant II, and Your Only Move Is Hustle. Of all these, I had heard about Starfield and Remnant II.
I’m sure some of these games are awesome and I want to check them out by virtue of being finalists, but it was pretty clear Starfield was gonna win on brand recognition alone.
Exactly. It’s pretty hard to vote for a category when you don’t even know half of the games. When it came to the most innovative category I imagine most people had only heard of Starfield. Remnant 2 was good, but it was always a more niche title and it got largely overshadowed by BG3 releasing only a week later.
And of the indie titles I had only heard of Shadows of Doubt which I think is really innovative. It’s sort of a procedurally generated detective game where you’re solving crimes while technically also committing crimes. But it’s in early access and is not an easily accessible game, so I don’t really fault it for not doing the rounds in the gaming circles.
Like someone else said it’s gotta be a result of the voting for the awards being awful. I wanted to like Starfield and (ducks down) even got it early at the higher price.*
But yeah lol innovation is a joke. Makes me feel bad for the devs who really made innovative stuff this year.
*To be fair I had a shitty week before that and needed a new Bethesda game to make my life less awful so it…worked? It was my comfort food ok???
Tsk, tsk. :P It’s okay, don’t worry about it. Also don’t worry about the red dot dancing around near you. It’s just having a nice time. Feel free to stand up and stand still in front of the sni- uh, the rest of us ~.^
I know, what an upset. Fifa2023 should have taken it.
It’s probably an ironic award, though I stand by the statement that Starfield isn’t any worse than Bethesda’s other mainstream titles post-Morrowind, except for the fact that it can’t ride on the writing of much better writers who either left the company or made the IP they acquired.
Starfield is the first pure creation of Modern Bethesda, and they can’t rely on the excellent lore and world building of other games like Fallout 1 and 2, Morrowind, etc.
That being said, 90% of issues can be solved by halving the radius for POI generation, adding a huge number of new POIs for the pool, and adding a survival mode to make shipbuilding important, space travel require fuel, and spacesuits necessary for environmental protection.
I’m shocked Pizza Tower lost soundtrack though.
Most Innovative Gameplay Award - Starfield
ahahahahahahahahahaahah 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣😹🤣🤣😹no fucking way
Hi Fi Rush was a great contender for sound track, I would have liked either of those winning it. Last of Us winning is fucking wonky though.
I’m hoping it was just a bunch of kids trolling bc they thought it was funny
I think at some point you have to accept that they aren’t pretending anymore, or being ‘ironic.’ This is how people really are.
When someone tells you who they are, believe them.
Hey, starfield isn’t my favorite by far, but I don’t think it’s that serious lol. It’s just a silly game award that everyone’s gonna forget about in a few weeks
Starfield, innovative? They took fallout 4 mixed it with no man’s sky and made it bad.
Idunno if it’s what you meant but this comment could read like “They took a dumpster fire, poured it into a septic tank, and then added something unpleasant” 😅 Seems Fallout 4 isn’t much-loved, and at least in my mind NMS is never gonna escape the shitstorm it caused at launch (though even I’ve bought a copy by now) so… owch!
Either way, I fully agree that possibly the most despised-for-being-dull game of the year getting called “innovative” is asinine. Maybe it’s sarcastic? The only other option that makes any sense is that a lot of people just voted for it because they knew the name and had no real opinion. Kinda gross if that’s the case :-\
NMS at least is working on its redemption and now game is at least decent and has entertainment value. Sure it’s a bit grindy but to those who love exploration it’s a gift.
It’s just as innovative as fellow Most Innovative award laureate Stray’s automatically- jump-to-a-highlighted-platform style of platforming with crappy stealth sections.
I’m upset that HiFi Rush didn’t win anything at all
Maybe it should have had an amazing soundtrack like The last of Us
TLOU does have an amazing soundtrack but come on it was released eons ago. Justice for Chai
BG3 winning GOTY and LC winning BWF awards make sense. what doesn’t make sense is Starfield being innovative, RDR2 having constant dev support and Pizza Tower being robbed for the second time.
RDR2 beating DRG and DOTA 2 for Labor of Love is a fucking joke. Even RUST and APEX still get regular updates.
Outstanding visual style for Atomic Heart?! Are you shitting me? Only unique visuals in that is the faceless sex bots and it’s a terrible game overall. Wholly undeserved.
Most Innovative Gameplay for STARFIELD?! OF ALL GAMES?! Yikes. Just… fucking yikes.
I had a similar reaction on these titles…honestly I felt that the results were rigged. Is it just me?
Probably just the fact that it’s a popularity contest. Doubt it’s rigged, it’s just poorly moderated and fabricated.
But why would RDR2 Fans give it the Labor of Love award with Rockstar that abandoned it years ago to focus on selling more Microtransaction in GTA-Online
Thanks, makes much more sense. Too bad that some great titles lost just because they were not so popular. To be fairer Steam should add some rules like: of you didn’t play the game, you cannot vote it…
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I don’t know but it would be very like Valve to put zero effort into ensuring it’s not manipulated.
That said, most large polls trend much more mainstream than people expect.
Starfield may have been a bold new frontier in mediocrity but it nevertheless had about 2 million more chances to be someomes favorite game compared to some indie title.
for real… RDR2 has been abandoned years ago
It’s not even that big of a surprise after last year’s “best VR game” was Hitman 3. That game’s VR support is, excuse my language, absolute fucking dogshit.
Bonelab was a disappointment, absolutely, but at least it was a proper damn VR game and not a mediocre game with VR tacked on for literally no reason but, I assume, some exec’s feature checklist
Wow I’m embarrassed by the choices of steam users. Lethal company and BG3 make sense but the rest don’t.
Sifu does since it just got released on steam this year.
RDR2 and Starfield though are just idiotic
This is… A weird spread of awards…
Like BG3 winning GOTY and story rich makes total sense.
But RDR2 won labor of love? What? Lol. Have they been putting out massive updates lately or something?
Atomic heart won visual style… Sure? I mean I guess it’s atmospheric but I wouldn’t call it particularly stylized.
Lethal company getting better with friends is a solid pick
Hogwarts Legacy is best on deck? The fuck? Lol I suppose i haven’t played this one but I was under the impression the game was like… Fine? Kinda boring after a while but still playable? It’s not horribly offensive but how does a game like that win an award for being the most beloved steam deck game lol
STARFIELD WON FUCKING WHAT??? Okay, I was not as big a starfield hater as some. I thought it was boring as shit for sure but I don’t think it’s completely without merit on the whole… But Innovative? Fucking LOL! Starfield innovated exactly 0 things, hell it retroactively made things from 2011 seem new by comparison. I don’t think theres a single fresh idea in that entire game. Starfield winning most innovative game paints a very uncomfortable picture of the steam awards. There is CLEAR tampering going on here, either by bots vote spamming, or just a behind the curtain dealings with Bethesda. To be honest every single other award here feels tenuous at best just by Starfield winning that specific award. If that boring ass rehash of 2007 gameplay can be called the most innovative game on steam then I’m not sure I can trust any of these games actually got nominated by real players for any of their respective awards. What a fucking joke
Nah, this makes sense to me.
In order to get full credit (for the badge or card or whatever they had), you had to vote for every category.
I’ve never played a VR game, but I still had to vote in that category, so I just… picked something.
RDR2 is something a lot of folks have played. Hogwarts is something a lot of folks have played.